Monday, July 28, 2014

Emergency Fund!

We had been pondering over the noble steps to support those in need - weather it be medical, educational or financial.

We do have yet another family who had gone through crises now and the need to have funds have become the need of the hour.

- We cannot buy Health - But we can support our family members in medical needs.
- We cannot remove Poverty - But we can support family members by helping them in Education - So they become self sufficient.
- We can provide aid to support emergency - To meet daily needs, facilitate wedding, house construction, funeral etc.

All that it needs is 'Willing Hearts'!

Time and again we have come across people in need - As mentioned in the post on 'The Beginning' on June 17th 2006:

After the death of Rajanman (Kodakara) without having money to buy medicine the thought of forming Kudmayogam was initiated.

After the death of Vijayaman his children struggled with their education.

Now it was Chandranman - we were just thinking about the ways to support the family with childrens education, and then we had the sudden demise.

There are still family members struggling who can be supported.

Note :- The fund pooled would be utilised for supporting various causes and not just one. We would have seperate fund and accounts for this

People have time to judge, complaint and criticise. They have energy and mindset to correct things across the globe. But when it comes to family - It is not thier duty - But that of somebody else! Of the siblings!!

The rule of the thumb is as you help - Expect Nothing in return! Not even a word of kindness!!

Whatever amount you contribute – small or big – is not important. Every paisa matters because it will go a long way in redefining the needs of those required. In the interest of financial transparency, we publish the names of all the donors here and also summary of how the fund is utilised.

You find time for things you want to is a matter of priority.

Family First!! All Willing Hearts - All the Best!

Any thoughts, views and suggestions are most Welcome!!

1 comment:

ajitha said...

Good one Meera!