Thursday, September 11, 2014

New Generation Nairs...

Interesting fight on WhatsApp...which all began with Ani Chettan speaking about the new Generation Nairs.

Chettan is the right word for nairs and mama is usually not used, but ammavan is also correct. Depends upon the relation with the person involved. Also we never used to say 'anene', 'ammene' but now the new generation use these words!

Again we had a culture to say irikku, kazhikku, varu, it has become vaa, thaa, irikk, Kazhikk.....this style is used by the new generation, even with elders!!

As language change from place to place, there is a chance that it would get changed generation to generation. People now like language, relationships,family all short and sweet. It's a throw away time/society. There was a time when things broken were mended but now they are just thrown away for variety reasons.

There is this young person saying - Don't talk to me about my fathers family - My blood boils! Who is responsible for creating that germ in the mind of that person - who has all the time in the world for friends, but no time for ailing grandparents or people taking care of their grandparents - whose blood is boiling in their body - Better it boil, so that the heat remind them who they are!

You'r time is limited, you'r life is limited, all men and women are born, live and die. What distinguishes one from another is what we do and our dreams! If we continue reacting as other people do - which we feel is not correct, what is the difference between them and us? Be good, speak good, and do good.

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